Play with logger
I found something interesting today. When working with Apache I notice that you cannot have multiple ErrorLog directives for writing error logs into multiple destination (CustomLog allow this).
For instance:ErrorLog /path/file1.log ErrorLog /path/file2.log ErrorLog /path/file3.logIn the above config, only third ErrorLog directive working, this mean error logs only write to /path/file3.log
But in many cases you would like to store logs in different locations on system (for instance centre logging with Syslog). Some articles I found on the internet show us the way to got this is pipe logs to a program, something like this:
ErrorLog "|$ /usr/bin/tee -a /var/log/httpd/ | /usr/bin/logger -t httpd-error -p local1.error"This tell Apache pipe output logs into:
(1) /usr/bin/tee append to a file (2) /usr/bin/logger send to SyslogLook at (2), by default logger split input messages into segments with 1KB of length (1024 characters) (, for instance with the following message:
[Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] aaaa.......aaaaaawith length = 1100 characters, where “aaa….aaa” is some user input within client request, you will get 2 lines forward to syslog by logger
[Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] aaaa.......aaaaaa aaaa.......aaaaaathe first line has length = 1024, the second line is (1100 – 1024) = 76
Think about this, when you can control “aaaa…..aaaa” and change to something like below (length = 4096 - length of string ([Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client]))
aaaa.......aaaaaa[Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] bbbb.......bbbbbb[Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] cccc.......cccccc[Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] dddd.......ddddddThis message will be splitted into 4 logs by /usr/bin/logger and Syslog just think we have 4 logs :D
[Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] aaaa.......aaaaaa [Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] bbbb.......bbbbbb [Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] cccc.......cccccc [Fri Sep 30 09:56:02 2016] [error] [client] dddd.......ddddddIn some situations, an attacker can abuse this to generate enough noise to make the Log Analysis Systems hard to detect the real hacking attack vector, covering tracks.
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